Mr. Scott McCaskey, Director
724-634-3030 x1127

Mrs. Jodi Thigpen, Administrative Assistant
724-634-3030 x1134
The Office of Special Education is a division of the West Middlesex Area School District dedicated to facilitating programs and services for students with disabilities as well as students who require gifted support services in grades K-12. Although we are a relatively small district, we have a lot to offer to our students. I hope you will take the opportunity to navigate through our website to learn more about our programs and services.
Our Special Education teachers receive training in core general education programming so that they know and understand what all students must know, understand, and be able to do. In addition, we are fortunate to also offer more specialized trainings in the areas of autism, research based reading and mathematics programs, behavior support, transition, implementing accommodations to the general curriculum and gifted education. Many of these trainings are also offered to our general education teachers so that they may better meet the needs of students in their inclusive classrooms.
It would be impossible to list all of the programs and services we offer to our students in this brief welcome message. As such, I encourage you to not only to explore our Special Education pages, but also to write me an email if you have any specific questions, concerns, or comments. As a district administrator, I am driven to provide the most challenging educational opportunities and to initiate practices which increase academic performance, student involvement, self-esteem, and success for every child.
It’s going to be an exciting year. Together, let’s make this the best school experience ever, for our kids! Please do not hesitate to contact me at (724) 634-3030 ext.1127 or by e-mail at
Scott McCaskey Director of Special Education